Managing Folders

Managing Folders

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Creating a folder.After login you will come to the Folders screen, where your create Folders to organize your Items.
Folders are displayed in a table, giving you an overview and fast access to the contained Items.
Use the folder-plus-button to create a new Folder.
When you create or edit a Folder you can give it a name and an icon. You can use a predefined icon or import an image from the Photos app.
Up to 8 levels of Subcategories support a hierarchical organization of your data.

In the table view you can access the Settings and the Search function from the navigation bar.
Use the ❊-button in the Search field you get an alphabetically sorted list of all Items.
Use Edit to edit your Folders, change the sort order or delete a Folder (and thereby all contained Items). You can also sort your Folders alphabetically by using A➟Z from the toolbar.

The folder table in Safe +.The folders table in edit mode in Safe +